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Continuing Madame's story

02/16/2020Well for craps sake. More than one sun rose and I'm sorry I didn't get to reach out to y'all. Damn, it was a busy weekend with all the sunshine, shootin' and drinkin' I did with by brothers. It's pretty funny to watch them tryin' to out do each other, knowing i'll beat 'em all. My creator, that friendly 'ol Kev, he gave me some good shootin' skills. He learned his wife pretty good too and even if she isn't a sharp shooter (yet), her love of it makes up for her still learnin'. So, we was out in the prairie south of town today. Set up some targets to blast away at. Had some old whiskey bottles, glass milk...

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Madame speaks

Howdy folks. I want to thank each one of you for following and "liking" me over the last couple of days. Those that I haven't heard from yet, will probably get bugged to "like" me again. hahaha What's not to like about my sweet sexy self??? Be ready to hear from me soon!! So, a little more about "me" favorite thing to talk about. I come from a family of boys. That explains the lack of "girlie" about me. I can cuss better than my 5 brothers. I can drink 'em all under the table. I can spit further than any of them. I can damn well out shoot their sorry asses and when they tell me to NOT inhale...

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Welcome to Madame Opal's Blog

Well howdy y'all. We has been lookin' forward to gettin' this here blog thing up and runnin' for awhile now. Our whole store and this blog are still so new. Please be patient with us whilst we work out all of them kinks we have. My Katie girl and Ms M, her web master have been workin' some long tedious hours but it's all coming together.  So here's what I am gonna do to catch you all up....I am going to copy my postings from our Facebook page to this here blog and from now on, once I catch you all up with the several I've already made to introduce us and the fam, and just to tell an occasional...

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