Welcome to Madame Opal's Blog

Well howdy y'all. We has been lookin' forward to gettin' this here blog thing up and runnin' for awhile now. Our whole store and this blog are still so new. Please be patient with us whilst we work out all of them kinks we have. My Katie girl and Ms M, her web master have been workin' some long tedious hours but it's all coming together.  So here's what I am gonna do to catch you all up....I am going to copy my postings from our Facebook page to this here blog and from now on, once I catch you all up with the several I've already made to introduce us and the fam, and just to tell an occasional story, we will just move forward here instead of on that FB thing. So sit back, check in as often as you can and I'll move on into telling you our stories and introducing you to our family, and if y'all have questions you can reach us at mmadameopalsemoporium@gmail.com.  

NOTE:  You may want to read our "story" that is also on our store site here.  It will give you a lot of back ground and introduce Kev and his bride, Kathy (who I call Miss Kate).  The rest of our stories will then make more sense to you.

Okay folks, here is blog post #1


Welcome to my new Blog page. My name is Madame Opal. I know I'm not the hottest broad in town, but my creator loved me with all of my imperfections and trashy mouth. If you're easily offended, that's too bad. If it pops into my head, it usually falls out of my mouth and I make no apologies. Hang in there with me as I introduce myself to you and fill you in on who I am over the next several days.

To begin, I wear what I want and I say what I think. I'm always comfortable with "me". My "creator" is a guy many people also knew and loved. His name is Kevin Collins and he was from Wyoming originally. Which explains why I look and act the way i do. He created me from a time when women were rough and tough and sometimes it just showed on us. He loved that I said whatever I thought and I could hold my liquor (favoring a good whiskey) and could relax with an occasional smoke (favoring a good cigar). Oh and my hat? His idea too. If you saw that shit he called my hair, you'd understand the hat!

Oh that Kevin Collins....he had a sense of humor. And we all miss him...........Just like he brought me to life, I'll talk of him often, keeping him alive in our hearts and minds always. He would have loved this adventure we are about to take.

So......this is my introduction for today. Short and sweet. And I'll be back......... In the meantime, keep this thought....

Sometimes it feels like ."I’m stuck between a rock and someone I’d like to hit with it". Not even sure where my self control comes from. heehee

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