Madame speaks

Howdy folks. I want to thank each one of you for following and "liking" me over the last couple of days. Those that I haven't heard from yet, will probably get bugged to "like" me again. hahaha What's not to like about my sweet sexy self??? Be ready to hear from me soon!!

So, a little more about "me" favorite thing to talk about. I come from a family of boys. That explains the lack of "girlie" about me. I can cuss better than my 5 brothers. I can drink 'em all under the table. I can spit further than any of them. I can damn well out shoot their sorry asses and when they tell me to NOT inhale my favorite cigar..........well I look at them like they are crazy and call 'em all *^$$!+$. However, the one thing I haven't mastered is to stand and........well you know. It's a bit difficult, messy....but it doesn't mean I stop trying. So, ya, I'm a gal who inhales! heeheehee Now you know why I have crap hair, if you can call this mess that grows on my head, hair. Who has time to fuss? Just wear a hat, I say! And besides, I'd rather be hanging with the boys.

Me and my brood of brothers is all from Laramie, Wyoming. Back when the roads were mostly dirt and the street brawls were many. The trains run thru the city, bringing with it from time to time, human vermin. Thankful that those law guys usually take pretty good care of that situation. BUT.........sometimes a brawl will land a bullet hole in some weird place like the mirror behind the bar. Bet the bartender didn't see that one coming!! My brothers are Samuel "Sam", Cleatus, Jasper, Boone and Clay. You'll get to know them over time. I'm the best that was saved for last. I don't know their birth order, so don't ask. Who cares anyway??!! Laramie has the Medicine Bow mountains in it's back yard. Let me tell you, thats some damn purdy country right there! We will talk more about that too.

Okay people, that was a little back ground for today. Of course there is ALWAYS more to the story and I'll keep it coming. You're gonna love me and the smiles I'll bring to your face........speaking of, what's not to love about this face of mine??!! It's not just a face only a Mother could love! It might be early where ever the hell you are, but for me it's whiskey time. Wyoming whiskey to be exact. That smooth amber glass of goodness is waiting for me........and a nice fat smoke.

And remember, when I says to idiots........"If I threw a stick, you’d leave, right?" I'm really hoping they I don't have to shoot 'em! See ya when the next sun rises.

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