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We survived another year y'all!!

WOW! 2023 is going out and 2024 is about to come in. Did you blink? We ain't sure we even got the chance.  It's been a busy and somewhat crazy year. Besides all of the irons Miss Kate has in her fires, we took on the challenge of joining in some local festival activities to introduce our boutique to more folks. We started in the fall with a weekend pop-up event in the parking lot of Cascades Coffee House & Mountain Mikes Pizza.....2 of Miss Kate's favorite new businesses.  She sure loves that Three Sisters coffee at CCH.  She put on her big girl panties and forgot she was a little scared and she did the event on her own...

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It's official y'all............WINTER IS HERE!

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO Y'ALL .  I hear tale that it's darned cold and wintery in my home state of Wyomin'.  Oh my poor Collins family is probably shiverin' as I am writin'.. We sure do miss those special folks. A shout out here to our friends David & Melissa at the Davissa Ranch in Cheyenne, Wyo. He and his pretty bride rescue horses for a number of reasons and it's been mighty cold for 'em.  Look 'em up online at and see what they are doin' for these horses who are lucky to find them. They is amazin' folks! We hopes they are all safe and warm during his here cold spell.   Miss Kate needs to jump in her...

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