It's official y'all............WINTER IS HERE!

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO Y'ALL .  I hear tale that it's darned cold and wintery in my home state of Wyomin'.  Oh my poor Collins family is probably shiverin' as I am writin'.. We sure do miss those special folks. A shout out here to our friends David & Melissa at the Davissa Ranch in Cheyenne, Wyo. He and his pretty bride rescue horses for a number of reasons and it's been mighty cold for 'em.  Look 'em up online at and see what they are doin' for these horses who are lucky to find them. They is amazin' folks! We hopes they are all safe and warm during his here cold spell.   Miss Kate needs to jump in her motorin' car and go fer a visit this summer. See & hug all them folks she loves so much! I know she is wantin' too!!  Ya know, I mentioned here in another spot that I don't make resolutions.  Why?  How many of us ever keeps 'em.??!! They sets ya up to feelin' guilty and I don't know about you, but I can feel guilty enough without addin' more stuff to my plate!  Miss Kate wrote hers out on her white board.  Katie girl says she is settin' goals.  And Lordy she wrote them out today, she almost filled up her white board.  You go Miss Kate. RA! RA!

So she has her goal,  and I met a new friend  today at the cigar/bourbon room.  His name is Gymmie.  (I know, I giggled too)  We was chattin' about things and he agreed to make goals made sense, and he would do that too.  He also said when you make them goals, here is a list of reminders to help ya along the way. We all spends so much time taken care of and doin' fer others, we forget ourselves. So here's Mr. Gymmie's list:
**Do those things that y'all loves, more often!
**Let go of folks and things that drains ya!
**Remember, sometimes ya needs to get uncomfortable, so's ya can get comfy!
 (Miss Kate says something like this a lot!)
** Wherever your attention goes, your energy flows.
(I think he meant to say..... think good happy positive thoughts....)
**If you change yer mindset, you will change yer life.
(Miss Kate says she's doin' that one today!)

So , maybe y'all needs to just be a little kinder to yourselves.  We are all goof balls and we all make mistakes.  Life 'ain't fer sissies!  It's darned hard more often than it's not and people will disappoint us no matter what.  Heck, we is gonna disappoint them too. It's just the way it is.  So advise from me is to remember a lesson in Miss Kate's life that 'ol Kevin's journey taught's a one time thru.  That's it.  One time folks.  Ya better fill your plate with all ya can hold cuz you only get one life and one chance to live it.  Live yer best life.,  Don't put so much importance on havin' stuff.  Who cares?  The label doesn't make you a better person., it just says ya spent more than most would on sumthin' and if thats what you want to do, yay you!  Enjoy it. But don't' make your life all about it.  Make your dash the best and let the best be a part of your dash.  Get rid of the toxic people, keep the ones ya love close. Remember you will leave this world the same way y'all came, not that way (sheesh!), but you'll leave naked, alone and maybe cryin' and ya can't take any of yer possessions with ya. so spend your time settin' them goals and make them ones that matter.  Use your money wisely but remember sumthin else......the most valuable gift you can give someone doesn't cost's the time you spent with 'em.  Nothin' will ever mean more to a person than the time you spent with 'em and the words you shared lettin' 'em know that ya care. I may have had a little extra bourbon when I was chattin' with Gymmie today. I don't mean to tell y'all what to do, but it all came to me so clearly and I had to share.  Make goals.  Ones that you know you will want to achieve (another Miss Kate word!!). Love yourself., Be kind to yourself. And if y'all's in a bad relationship, get on with that.  Fix it or move on. Ya wont get a second chance to find your happy place if you stay in a sad one. Remember it's a one time thru.  Take a road trip alone for a few days. Miss Kate has done it several times and she always comes home smilin' and happy and with a new attitude, ready to take on the world.  She needs to go on another one very soon! (don't tell her I said that). 

And one last thing when you head out there to make yourself happy so those around ya will be happy too, don't forget that when you are gone no one will remember ya for how hard you worked, or that you were always at the office makin' a livin', but they will remember how you made them feel. Live a legacy that will make y'all proud to leave behind.

And that's it folks. I'm steppin' off my soap box and hopin' not to step in horse s*#!.  I do that all the danged time.  grrrrrr  I hope y'all knows I (we) loves ya and appreciate your support with our boutique and small business here.  And we is gonna be here, doin what we do, because of and for YOU! Happy new year to ya go make it a GREAT one!  mmmmmmmmmwah!  <-- Miss Kate says that's how you spell a kissy sound!  hee hee  I blew y'all a kiss! 🤦‍♀️

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