We survived another year y'all!!

WOW! 2023 is going out and 2024 is about to come in. Did you blink? We ain't sure we even got the chance.  It's been a busy and somewhat crazy year. Besides all of the irons Miss Kate has in her fires, we took on the challenge of joining in some local festival activities to introduce our boutique to more folks. We started in the fall with a weekend pop-up event in the parking lot of Cascades Coffee House & Mountain Mikes Pizza.....2 of Miss Kate's favorite new businesses.  She sure loves that Three Sisters coffee at CCH.  She put on her big girl panties and forgot she was a little scared and she did the event on her own (with a little side help from a special helpful person). It was great fun for her and she was invited to a couple of other festivals. So, in July we was at the second annual Sasquatch Festival out in Glide.  WOW that place was a hoppin'.  Again we made more friends and Miss Ina came out to help along with Miss Shawna who gave us a half a day in the hot sun! October brought us the Blocktoberfest in Downtown Roseburg.  A One day event full of music, street vendors and a beer fest. We learned a lot at this one and made new friends yet again! We rounded up the year with the Christmas fair.  Holy Smokes!  That was just a ton of work and again we had Miss Ina to help, we wouldn't have made it alone. It was 3 days and Miss Kate left saying never again............BUT, we now know that it may happen again but with a whole lot of changes in strategy and timing and requesting a different location.  We shall see..........it's a whole year away.  And we know how fast that can fly by!   So don't blink folks, slow down the pace and take time to really enjoy what happens in each of your days. Blessings are all around! Happy New year to each of you. Stay safe and live your best life! Don't be takin' any wooden nickels y'all!  I'll sees ya when i sees ya!         ~Madame O and team

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